Public Health Initiatives—Kingdom of Bhutan

We support the outreach activities of Prime Minister (2018-2023) Dr. Lotay Tshering and the Public Health department in the Kingdom of Bhutan.

Universal HPV Vaccination Campaign

The Project


Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is the most wide-spread sexually transmitted infection (STI). High-risk strains (HPV16/18/31/45) are linked to cancer, and almost all cases of cervical cancer cases can be traced to HPV16 or HPV18. Thus, mass vaccination against HPV in pubescent girls and boys is a highly effective cancer prevention strategy. This intervention can lower cancer-related therapy costs by millions and save thousands of lives.

We are working with the Bhutanese government to establish a universal HPV vaccination campaign for Bhutanese Boys over the next 5 years.


Panorama Institute of Molecular Medicine (PIMM)


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